Istiak Nasir

The comdian Istiak Nasir is one of the best stand up comedians in Bangladesh. Since 2010, he is popular as an internationally renowned stand-up comedian. He is also an actor, creative scriptwriter. It is true that he mainly works for Television media but he has lot of works for print media. He started his career as a stand-up comedian at Naveed’s Comedy Club but now he is doing more. Currently, he is organizing different corporate shows, programs, and events for local and international organizations. At present, he is one of the best corporate event presenters and working as an anchor in many events and programs.

Short career profile of Istiak Nasir

  • The best Standup Comedian, Actor, Creative Writer on Television and Media.
  • A person who worked as a Creative Consultant at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs – CCP.
  • He was a former creative team player at Zee Bangla.
  • It was a nice experience for him to work as a copywriter at Saturday Digital.
  • Also worked for BBC Media Action as a Producer.
  • He was one of the best Script Writers at Bangladeshi Idol.
  • Played the role of a radio jockey at Dhaka FM 90.4.
  • And he was the former Grand Finalist at Mirakkel Season 6.

Best performer in Mirakkel Akkel Challenger 6

Though Mr. Istiak started his comedy career with Naveed’s Comedy Club, he came to the focus of the audience when he got the opportunity to perform in an Indian famous TV Channel Zee Bangla. He performed in Mirakkel which is a comedy reality show on Zee Bangla. Comedian Istiak was the best performer and one of the finalists in Mirakkel Akkel Challenger 6. Take a look at one of his Mirakkel special performances.

Popular Radio Jockey (RJ) in Bangladesh

Istiak Nasir Radio Jockey in Bangladesh
Istiak worked as Radio Jockey (RJ) at Dhaka FM 90.4. He worked in the Never Mind radio program. He hosted this show as his own show from 1st September 2012 for 3 months. He is a man of friendly and a pleasing personality along with a good voice and a great sense of humor. He talks spontaneously with the correct pronunciation. So if you have a plan to make a program for radio then he is the best option for you who can launch your program successfully.

The best corporate event presenter in Bangladesh

corporate event presenter in Bangladesh
Now Istiak is the best corporate event presenter in Bangladesh. Only a professional presenter delivers the speech confidently on a big stage and it is not so easy. What do we expect from a professional corporate event presenter? Yes, we always expect a corporate event presenter should have to deliver a powerful motivational presentation at meetings, reality shows, tradeshows, different programs, and conferences. So Mr. Istiak is more perfect for this job because he is not only an event presenter but also a celebrity speaker as well as a stand-up comedian. He knows very well how to make engagements with audiences.

How does Istiak Nasir help you in different events and programs?

As a Corporate Host

As a corporate host, Mr. Istiak has a unique personality. He is very much professional in corporate presentations. He always keeps a deep understanding of the presentation topic and easily creates an engagement with your audiences.

As a Trade Show Host

A trade show is quite different than other corporate events. We know Mr. Nasir is a specialist in stand up comedy but it is his strength to works as a trade show host. Because a trade show host needs to make direct contact with customers.

As a Business Event Presenter

There is no dought that Istiak is the best business event presenter in Bangladesh. So call him for your business event presentation.

As a Presenter of Award Ceremony

An award ceremony is very much special to the guests, nominated persons, and participants. So, it is impossible to run an award ceremony without a professional presenter who has the ability to present confidently and charmingly by delivering motivational words on a big stage. As Istiak works on many local and international platforms, so you will be happy and feel relieved to give him this duty.

As a Workshop or Seminar Leader

A workshop or seminar is also an important event for a business. If you want to have a successful event you need a great leader who will lead the program from first to last. Mr. Istiak also has the same experience.

For different Live and On-Site Events

Istiak is confident about different live events presentations.

For Internet, Digital and Social Media Campaigns

Do you have any events that will be live on the internet or in any digital media? Then comedian Istiak is the best choice for any social media campaign or any digital live events.

International Bangladeshi artist

Istiyak Nasir Bangladeshi International Artist
Mr. Nasir is an international Bangladeshi artist. He got the opportunity to work in the famous Indian TV Channel Zee Bangla. He performed in the popular comedy show Mirakkel. You will find many popular episodes on the youtube channel. Till now he has performed in many TV shows, travel shows, and comedy-dramas in India and Bangladesh. However, his online fans and followers are increasing gradually, which is a recognition for him as International Bangladeshi Artist.

Book me as an event presenter to make your business event unforgettable

It is your decision how you make your business event unforgettable.


Istiak Nasir is a more popular young event presenter in Bangladesh because he knows how to make an event charming and colorful to the audience. So if you need to run any live event, then you must choose a professional and well-experienced event presenter who is able to make your event unforgettable. in that case, Istiak is the best for any live event or social media campaign.


Question. What is Istiak doing now?

Answer. Istiak is very busy now with his standup comedy. But sometimes he does scriptwriting also.

Question. Does Nasir take more honorarium?

Answer. No, Mr. Istiak never takes more. He is very reasonable about his honorarium.

Question. For which job Istiak is the most suitable?

Answer. The digital or social media campaign, live event, corporate presentation, and anchoring in an award ceremony.

Question. How does Istiak become the best stand up comedian in Bangladesh?

Answer. Istiak is a very popular comedian in Bangladesh. But it was not easy for him to be the best stand-up comedian in Bangladesh. He is a hard-working person with a creative mind. Sincerity, hard work, and creativity make him the best comedian actor in Bangladesh.

Question. Is  Istiak Nasir still working as a comedian?

Answer. Yes, still Istiak Nasir is working as a stand-up comedian. Every month he tries to deliver some new and unique comedy for his audience. As he is a very popular comedian in Bangladesh, so he always tries to release the best comedy ever made. But it is not so easy for him. So he takes time to enrich the Bangladeshi comedy by giving his best performance. Now he is also writing the script for Bangla comedy natok.

Question. What is the popularity of Istiak as a Bangladeshi artist?

Answer. Istiak is a young, energetic, committed, and sincere Bangladeshi artist. He is a hard-working artist so, others teated him as an unrivaled competitor in Mirakkel stand-up comedy show in Zee Bangla, India. Since then he is trying to establish himself as a dynamic artist. He worked as an actor, standup comedian, and scriptwriter. Above all, the popularity of Istiak is going high day by day.

Question. How do you contact Mr. Istiak?

Answer. It is very easy to contact Istiak Nasir. If you want to contact him just fill-up the form below:
[contact-form-7 id=”1013″ title=”frmIstiakNasir”]